South Africa has already treated 66 Zimbabwean patients for cholera as a result of an epidemic which has broken out in that country following the collapse of their sanitation system, which is being exacerbated by the fact that their healthcare has also imploded.

Of course as South Africans we are acutely aware of the fact that this epidemic is going to explode as the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, which will leave South Africa and the rest of the Southern African Development Community to look after and treat the victims. Their own government, if truth be told, doesn’t give a toss whether these people live or die. Indeed if we examine migration patterns over the past eight years we’re left with the conclusion that as far as the Zanu-PF are concerned, the less Zimbabweans that are living in that country, the better.

Those millions (estimated to be four million exiles in South Africa alone) that didn’t flee the political violence or the economic meltdown are in the invidious position of staring starvation in the face. Roughly half the population or five million souls heading for an early grave, while the country as a whole ‘boasts’ the lowest life expectancy in the world (37 at last count).

Regardless of the position on health, sanitation or quite frankly anything else, when it comes to anything other than accumulating personal wealth or power the politicians of that country appear quite indifferent. If they aren’t then they are doing a fabulous impersonation of people who are indifferent and their acting talents are clearly being wasted.

Yes, Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC do bear some responsibility for the current breakdown in negotiations but in the overall scheme of things their part in the disaster that is Zimbabwe is miniscule. Moreover, at least he had the decency to warn of the dangers of increasing sanctions and called for increased humanitarian aid despite this weakening his position.

Front and centre in terms of responsibility is the Zanu-PF as aided and abetted by the geniuses who call the policy on Zimbabwe within the SADC states and its individual members. As gutless and gormless a bunch of no-hopers as you will ever have the misfortune to encounter when dealing with any crisis relating to foreign policy.

Just a few short days ago the SADC held a summit in South Africa wherein they had the opportunity to finally bring matters to a head. Had they forced the Zanu-PF to accept that at least Finance and Home Affairs had to go to the MDC then the power-sharing deadlock would have been broken. The police reign of terror in Zimbabwe would have been lifted, international sanctions replaced with aid and a start made towards dealing with the enormous problems facing that country.

Instead, deadlock.

What does Mugabe then do?

He starts trying to figure out how he can get around the constitution and appoint the cabinet regardless of the deadlock and irrespective of the parliamentary majority of the MDC. Once he has come up with a cunning plan he then sends it to former president Thabo Mbeki to check whether his reasoning is sound.

Am I missing something?

Has anyone from the SADC noticed that if Mugabe and the Zanu-PF continue in power they will be left to rot by the international community? Which means what? As things stand the entire infrastructure of Zimbabwe has collapsed and as a result South Africa and the other neighbouring states are forking out billions to look after the Zimbabwean exiles. If the situation deteriorates further then so much more will have to be spent by the SADC members to prop up Mugabe and the Zanu-PF.

And no South Africa, you can’t call for the lifting of sanctions and investment in Zimbabwe because the requirement of the international community for the lifting thereof is the very thing you are blocking! The de facto transfer of power to Tsvangirai. (Mugabe can carry on playing president but Tsvangirai needs control via the Council of Ministers and those key cabinet posts)

In other words the SADC continues to prop up Mugabe and the Zanu-PF so that we can pay for the pleasure of looking after half the population of Zimbabwe, while half of the other half left behind, are about to become the victims of genocide so that Mugabe and a few elite can live like kings.

That is exactly what this amounts to.

Does the covering letter to Mbeki containing the draft amendment read as follows? :

“Dear Thabo,

Please check this document because we’ve decided to allow you and the rest of the SADC to prop up our elite faction and pay for the pleasure of looking after half our population while half of the other half left behind are about to become the victims of genocide.

Please drop in for drinks soon.

Love Bob”

Why would we ever look at, never mind assist, a constitutional move pulled by Mugabe which will achieve no recognition where it matters ie the international community and which will result in SADC members paying even more billions to look after even more millions of Mugabe exiles?



Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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