I was walking along the beach in Durban not so long ago when the strangest thing happened to me.

Well, one of the strangest.

One of the strangest in a long while, anyway.

It was one of the main beaches — Dairy, I think, or Bay, and there were loads of people about. I seem to recall it being a Friday afternoon. Busy, hot, sunny.

Anyhow, I was walking along the water’s edge, staring out at the horizon, thinking my thoughts, when I saw something green floating in the water. At first I thought it was a piece of plastic or a scrap of fabric, but then I saw how long it was. I waded in and grabbed hold of the end to give it a tug — and what should emerge but a sari! A beautiful green sari! Pale and chiffony with a delicate pattern. Perfectly intact, not ripped or torn or damaged in any way, just with some seaweed attached to the edges.

Now help me unravel this here (excuse the pun!) if you will.

How does a sari come to be floating in the sea? Did a usually demure Indian lady decide to go skinny dipping and forget to get dressed again? Did it blow away from a picnic, lost to the waves? Did it escape a nearby-ish, hidden washline? Was she thrown overboard? (I really, really hope not.)

I just can’t seem to find a suitable explanation. It’s a mystery.

Your interpretation, please?

PS — The winner of the kissing competition has been announced! Check it out at www.bridgetmcnulty.com.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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