It’s very likely that much of the rest of Cape Town has known about the Whatiftheworld / Gallery for ages now.
I just discovered it.
And what a discovery!
Apparently it’s one of the Top 50 Emerging Galleries from Around the World. Check it out at

It’s a big, old warehouse in the slowly-becoming-hip part of Woodstock and it showcases emerging contemporary South African artists. What does that mean? Interesting, cutting-edge work. Like the show on at the moment (only till Friday — hurry!) Rowan Smith has done an exhibition entitled ‘Future Shock Lost’ using “the language of outdated retro-cool technology and handcrafted sculptures”. There are a couple of amazing marquetry pieces, and some really beautiful wooden carvings that I don’t really know how to describe … Suffice to say, this is mature, interesting work — art that you can see has taken time and skill and thought, and that creates something whole and fascinating at the end. I highly recommend a visit!

Next up is Georgina Gratrix and her first solo offering, Master Copy. “A bold exhibition that explores just what painting means within contemporary popular culture.” Sounds interesting. Opens September 4.

I think the reason I’m so enamoured with Whatiftheworld / is that it’s not arb-found objects masquerading as modern art. It’s actual artists, who have studied a craft and have something to say with it. I think that’s pretty rare. And quite wonderful.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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