It’s the beginning of the year and, if like many of us (me included) you’re brimming with enthusiasm to take up 20 new hobbies, you might want to learn a language.

Before you sign up for an expensive language class (the buffet option), why not try out the snack table? What am I on about? A new idea in language learning — Poplings.

Not too sure about their tagline — “Hack your brain” — but I like the concept. You download a free desktop application that pops up every now and again (you set the time delay) with “flash cards” in the language. If you want to ignore it, you can. If you want to answer the question, you click on the popling.

The jury is still out on if it will actually help to implant snack-sized pieces of Spanish in my mind, or if it will distract me from whatever I’m trying to do … but I’ll give it a go and keep you posted.

Anyone care to join me? You can learn German, French, Italian, Indonesian, Russian or Hindi! And if you like it, after your free trial you can sign up for a year for only $20 (about R200).

Hasta pronto!


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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