So I’ve been doing some online exploration over the past little while, and happened to stumble across three artists’ websites that I think are just lovely. Care for some relaxing Friday web surfing?

  • Yeondoo Jung ( is a Korean artist who did an amazing project in 2005, where he took children’s drawings and made them come alive in photographs.

    He called the collection Wonderland and kept the crazy scale, bright colours and heightened unreality as close as possible to the kids’ pictures. So cool! And interesting to see what Korean children draw … I wonder how different (or similar) a South African project like this would be?


  • What happens when you’re an artist with a great love for antique cars? You make beautiful lit sculptures out of car lights and electric parts from the 1930s and 1960s. At least, that’s what you do if you’re John Stephenson, an artist, collector, art historian and world traveller making really cool stuff at
  • And lastly, there’s Skinny laMinx, a homegrown artist who I think I’ve written about before, but whose refreshingly simple and inspiring website never fails to make me envious! Browse here ( if you’re looking for well-written artistic ideas … particularly home-related.

And that’s all for today! Enjoy …


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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