These blacks. Sometimes I feel sorry for them.

But mostly, I’m actually just tired of whites always being called racists just because we point out that things are screwed and the country is going down the toilet. We’re going to end up like Zimbabwe. And so what if Helen Zille or Tony Leon are white? Someone has to speak up here.

Ja sure, Apartheid was terrible, we all know that. I remember my maid being dragged out of our house when I was kid because her pass wasn’t in order. I voted for the DA because I didn’t agree with the National Party, and I didn’t believe blacks should be treated like that just because of the colour of their skin.

But Apartheid is over, guys. Everyone is sick of hearing about how the blacks suffered. Believe me, I know a lot of blacks these days that aren’t suffering. In fact, thanks to BEE, they now earn more than I do. And quite honestly, a lot of them have been put into jobs they don’t deserve just because of the colour of their skin. Everyone knows that if you’re black, it’s easier to get a job. That’s not racist, that’s just a fact.

Yes, I know what you’re going to say. That there are lots of poor people who aren’t benefiting from BEE. But that’s exactly my point! All that BEE has done is enrich a few politicians and their buddies from Robben Island. It hasn’t made any difference to the poor. In fact, according to the blacks that I know, things are worse than they were during Apartheid!

This whole Eskom thing is a classic example. All the skilled whites were fired from Eskom in the 90’s and replaced by blacks who were unqualified and unskilled. And now look what’s happened!

In addition to all this, the government is totally corrupt. All they’re interested in is taking money for themselves. They don’t care about this country. Again, it’s the poor people that suffer the most. I employ five blacks and the stories they tell me make me really angry. When I think of Mr Zuma driving around his fancy cars with money he stole from the taxpayer, I can’t believe anyone would actually vote for him.

But anyway, the voting is obviously rigged. Plus Zulus just vote for him because he’s Zulu. I guess we can only hope that the Xhosa’s will start their own party and split from the ANC so we have a proper opposition party in this country.

Everyone criticises the whites all the time, you don’t even feel like you belong in this country anymore. In fact, where would Africa be without the whites? Again, I don’t mean to sound racist but who brought technology and industry to Africa? Who brought education and healthcare? Where exactly would Africa be without us?

And I’m not saying that all black leaders are bad, because Nelson Mandela is a great, distinguished man who I have nothing but respect for. But, honestly, just look at the mess this whole continent is in. Zimbabwe was handed to a black leader and look where they’ve landed up. 1000% inflation! And look at Kenya, Rwanda. It’s all the same story.

I’m actually kind of fed up, and sadly, as much as I love this country and its people, I’ve thinking about leaving. I have family in Oz, and the truth is that I want my kids to be able to ride their bicycles in the street. And I want to know my wife can go shopping without being raped and murdered. What choice do I have?

People say the whites are somehow responsible for this because of our history and Apartheid. But that’s getting a bit tired now. Sure, the blacks suffered. But now they have every opportunity. And even if they’re hungry, why do they have to resort to murder?

It’s all getting worse. AIDS, corruption, crime, Zuma and now Eskom. I just don’t see a future here anymore. And we think we can host the soccer world cup in 2010! How are we going to do that with no electricity?

And don’t get me started on the Gautrain. What the hell do we need a train to take people from Pretoria to the Airport in? Apart from anything else, people are just going to get murdered when they go on the train, so it’s going to drive up and down from Pretoria completely empty.

Obviously I don’t think blacks are inferior or something. But it just seems like they are less advanced than the whites. It’s not their fault, but you can’t deny that whites invented a lot of the technology, economics, political systems, education. The blacks were good at living off the land, but unfortunately we can’t run our country like a cattle farm. Where are the black Shakespeares and Einsteins?

It’s pointless arguing anymore anyway. Something has to be done. I have an idea. I’m going to start an email petition so we can mobilise the people, just like the blacks did during apartheid. If we get enough people emailing it on, maybe someone will listen. We can stop crime and we can force the government to take notice of the fact that there is a problem with the electricity.

We have to act now. Before it’s too late.

And if you believe one word of this piece, please write “idiot” on your forehead in nice, clear block letters so that the rest of us have fair warning.


Jarred Cinman

Jarred Cinman

Jarred Cinman is software director at Cambrient, South Africa's leading developer of web applications. He co-founded Johannesburg's first professional web development company and was one of the founders...

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