• It’s not so much good luck or bad luck; it’s more the way you choose to see things. Any situation has both good and bad elements, and an opportunity for growth.
  • Nobody can force you to feel anything — it’s your own decision whether to be swayed by their attempts.
  • Who cares if people think you’re an idiot? It’s your opinion that counts. (Not that anybody thinks I’m an idiot … of course, it’s just a hypothetical musing!)
  • The way you choose to enter a day can profoundly influence what happens to you during that day.
  • As long as you’re healthy, nothing is too much of a challenge.
  • It might seem like too much of a challenge as it’s happening, but in retrospect you’ll realise it made you stronger than you ever thought you could be.
  • I like motivational stuff. There, I said it! Call me a nerd if you will. I think we need all the oomph we can get to make the most of our lives, and for me that means reading and interacting with inspiring people.

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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