The trouble with blogs is that you have to be opinionated.

That is, you have to have opinions. And observations. And comments.

And when you live your life (as I do) in a charming little bubble far removed from current affairs, the news, sport, politics, business and all other Opinionated Sectors, it becomes a bit of a full time job finding all these observations.

And when (to further compound this) you’ve had a year, as I have, full of change: a new city, a new home, a new job (and resigning from a new job), a new book, a new website, a new blog, a new chronic condition, a new hairstyle, finding new observations seems a little too much like hard work.

Sure, they crop up now and again. I steal them from people, I write down tidbits of conversation; I jot down small confessions made unwittingly. I hoard them like a little fat hamster. But now my hoard is empty.

And as I look forward to the next month, full of festivities and parties and fun and an island holiday to Malawi, I don’t think I want to be observing too much. Or, rather, I think I might need to refill my hoard.

So, for now, I’m taking a small hiatus from the leading of the thought (not that I was doing much of that anyway!)

Here’s wishing you all small moments of whimsical observation in every day.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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