There is a road I drive along frequently whenever I’m in Durban — a road that cuts through a squatter camp and passes a number of makeshift roadside stalls (hairdresser, general store, butchery) and a glut of fast-food joints (Nando’s, KFC, Chicken Licken).

I was stopped at a traffic light last time I was in Durban when a truck carrying 20 cages of white chickens with red beaks and pink eyes pulled up next to me. The chickens were subdued; all sitting quietly in their cages, wings tucked in, a sombre air to their journey. I followed their (collective) gaze and saw why — the KFC to my right, General Kentucky Chicken giving a big feathery thumbs-up that clearly didn’t sit well with the future Original Recipe Popcorn Wings and Crispy Strips.

Do cows feel the same when they see the McDonald’s Golden Arches? Do they cringe when they catch a hint of the “flame-grilled, it just tastes better” jingle on the breeze? Do they secretly support Chick Fil A’s Eat More Chikin campaign? (

Or is it much of a muchness to our feathered and leathered friends? Is their fate so doomed that it doesn’t really matter if they end up as roast chicken or a Family Meal, hamburgers or boerewors? (What exactly is boerewors? Can anyone tell me?)

Still, call me crazy if you will, I swear I could see real disappointment in those beady red eyes.
You work hard all your life, trying to peck out a living, and what do you get? One small slot in a Variety Bucket.

It’s no compensation.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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