Terms, phrases and personalities unique to South Africa often have to be translated or the general public will give up trying to figure out what the media are on about in many of their articles.

Herewith the latest batch :

Tenderpreneur shall mean a lover of the music of Elvis with hits like Love me tender.

Company Director shall mean a person who has not advised his attorneys to remove him as such regardless of the suggestions of disgusting counter-revolutionaries like Cipro.

Cash shall mean any amount in excess of R4.6 million. Amounts less than that are hardly worth bothering about.

Plot to target Zuma supporters shall mean any act, manner or thing which factors in the square on the hippopotamus being equal to the sum of the two opposing angles in an isawaleasewhichwouldbegreatforournexttender triangle if multiplied by the square of the Garden Route or alternatively anything you want it to mean (in case of emergencies break the box and press button).

Ruling Party shall mean a fairytale which begins thus : “Once upon a time there was a party that had an overwhelming majority in parliament but a terrible “tender”ncy to squabble over who got the most pudding … ”

ANCYL shall mean Another Nice Confrontation You’ve Launched.

SARS SIC … no not (sic) but SIC like in SIC your dog on ANC supporters of Zuma … not (sic) as in I know it’s wrong but it’s all sick really.

DStv Porn Channel shall mean the superfluous study to ascertain whether South Africans like to watch people being screwed when the SABC News has clear confirmation that South Africans have been screwed for years and nobody stops watching that channel.

Coup for Zim farmers shall mean the Southern African Development Community tribunal rulings against the seizure of farmers’ land in Zimbabwe should be registered, recognised and enforceable by the South African government … but won’t be. I wouldn’t give you ten Bob (heaven forbid) for the practical impact of that ruling.
Just a few to help your understanding of the terms often used in the media.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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