Whatever disgust I felt at the conduct of the Forum of Black Journalists, it paled into insignificance when compared with the animals from the University of the Free State. Whatever drove those morons to carry out this latest outrage is irrelevant. They have to face criminal charges.

Didn’t your mommies teach you basic human decency?

The sick joke is that even though they have disgraced themselves, their families and the rest of us, they’ll be trying to pass it off as some act of revenge for all the injustices they face each day. In addition, anyone who calls them the idiots that they are will be considered a bleeding-heart liberal.

I am to bleeding-heart liberals what Mike Schutte is to ballet dancing. I have clients who are armed robbers and murderers who would be too embarrassed to admit doing what they did.


The South African Institute of Race Relations says that racial tensions have risen during the past month. Hardly surprising when you see people from university and journalists behaving in the way that they do. People who should know better,

Not surprisingly, the political uncertainty and social problems of this country are occasioning fear among all South Africans. As a result, we are seeing the emergence of a wide range of opinions on how these issues should be dealt with. In this blog in particular I am reading comments that suggest federalism or even separatism as the possible solutions to the racist problems of our country.

I am assuming from the names and nature of the comments that the proponents are white.

In essence, and I’m leaving this open to those who suggest it to set me straight, I am assuming that the federalists envisage a province (or provinces) that is, for example, white dominated and enjoys autonomy along the lines of a state of the US. In other words, independence save for those areas where it is subject to the federal government.

Separatists envisage a completely independent country with no ties, other than social and economic ones, usually reserved for countries from a particular region or bordering on one another.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the bulk of these proponents would be looking to create this state or country along racial lines.

The alternative, as set out above, is the multiracial democracy that finally dawned in 1994 and which is what we have at present in the Republic of South Africa.

I’d like to reserve my response to the separatists and federalists for either the comments section or another article, save to state that I am opposed to both and proud to be a citizen of our wonderful democracy (with all its problems). I waited 33 years of my life for this new South Africa and I hope to play my part in building its future.

What I would like to know is what it is about the other citizens of this country — that is, not from your group (black or white) — that you believe to be so intolerable that you feel the need to start your own state or country, just to be rid of them? Why do you believe that these forms of government will better suit your lifestyle and the new region or federation that you will be creating?

It would also be of considerable benefit if you would indicate why it would be better than pressurising the government into doing something about the political, economic and social problems of our country — this democracy is, after all, not even 14 years old yet.

Try to keep your comments civil and logical so that we can understand where you are coming from and why your ideas have merit.

Even where you differ from other people, try not to behave like some of our journalists or members of certain universities; consider the feelings of all our readers and indicate where they would fit into your new structure.

Over to you.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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