When it comes to the new South Africa, Saru generally do the right thing. On issues of transformation, racism and policy, they can be relied upon for transparency and integrity while following clearly defined strategies.

However when it comes to the issue of Peter de Villiers and the purported blackmail saga, they are not doing themselves any favours.

The allegations are that Chris Hewitt, the Springbok communications manager, advised the Springbok coach and others that there was a tape containing compromising sexual footage of De Villiers and a woman in a station wagon.

In addition, there was purportedly an attempt to use the tape to blackmail the Springbok coach into selecting a certain player.

Now Hewitt has resigned prior to his disciplinary hearing.

Saru have now said they found nothing to warrant further investigation.

Andy Colquhoun said that the alleged blackmail was not going to be part of the disciplinary hearing as they had conducted their own investigation into the matter and found nothing to warrant further investigation. They now consider the matter closed.

Colquhoun also confirmed that Hewitt had been paid out in accordance with the terms of his contract being terminated.

I have to disagree. If the blackmail issue was investigated then the documentation must be made available to the media and the public.

While this may seem harsh it is nowhere near as problematic as the perception that a Springbok coach was the subject of alleged blackmail which may have resulted in him picking a certain player.

Moreover, and in light of the appointment of the new president last week, the time has come to develop a culture of accountability.

Whether or not a case of blackmail exists it is not up to Saru to pronounce judgement on the matter. It requires a police investigation to confirm that there was no basis to these allegations. The nature of De Villiers’s job precludes sweeping this one under the carpet.

If Hewitt’s resignation is merely due to his failure to carry out his job in accordance with Saru’s requirements then far more needs to be said regarding this. His resignation cannot be the end of it under these circumstances.

As I have said in the past I don’t care if our coach bonks the entire West Coast cheerleading team, he must be judged strictly on his merits as a rugby coach. However I don’t appreciate a blackmailer, nor the fact that this issue is being dealt with in military style precision when it requires transparency and bloodletting to rid it of the stench.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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