While tensions between Russia and Georgia, formerly part of the Soviet Union, continue to heighten, the world’s media is focused on an Austrian cellar and Mark Saunders the gunman who laid siege to Chelsea, England.

Call me a prat (well a bigger prat than usual) but isn’t the reason why people want to read about Fritzl and Saunders rather than war–talk in the Caucases, down to the fact that they can identify with the players in those dramas?

Who cares whether Russia accuses Georgia of escalating tension along their border with the breakaway Abkhazia Republic, or has warned them that they would be responsible if war with Moscow breaks out?

Does anyone lose any sleep over the fact that analysts are suggesting that Abkhazia and all the tension relating thereto is Russia’s response to recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence?

Probably not. Where the hell is Abkhazia?

Abkhazia and South Ossetia broke away from Georgia in the 1990s after the collapse of the USSR. The result was conflict between Georgia and both of the breakaway regions, resulting in the death of around 33 000 people. Now Georgia wants them back and Putin is giving them support, resulting in Georgia accusing Russia of trying to annex both territories.

But you knew all that.

How can anyone expect you to read all that drivel about Eurasia when there is a human mega-drama unfolding in Austria and a Greek tragedy unfolding in England?

Let’s look at Mark Saunders, the barrister who was seperated from his wife and had a problem with alcohol. (When I say he had a problem I mean other people had the problem, he loved it.)

Regardless, something snapped and he somehow managed to land up laying siege, armed with a shotgun, and shooting it out with members of Her Majesty’s finest. (Don’t confuse them with Sue Shabangu’s finest who would have shot the bastards on sight). The result was the death of a young lawyer who by all accounts was a lovely guy, with a terrible temper.

Think of the permutations? Why did he do it? Was it the alcohol? Was his missus cheating? It’s something that could and does happen in South Africa and the world over.

It’s juicy because it has players we recognise in an unusual setting that is however, easy to identify with.

Abkhazia? – It’s not happening.

What about the guy in the Austrian cellar? The whole planet has gone loopy about this one. You’d have thought he got lost on a canoe and turned up 20 years later.

I know more about this geezer than I know about the government (Mrs Traps). Of course I read about it –- it’s got more juice than Tropica. But isn’t the reason why we’re all so fascinated because it’s suburbia gone haywire?

Something we can relate to. How many times have you thought that one of your son’s friends was a serial killer? Often –- they can’t even pull their pants up properly. Stuff happens in the suburbs and most people can relate to that — Fritzl is just an aberation from the suburbs that has us all fascinated.

It’s Lost meets the Jerry Springer Show with Prison Break thrown in for good measure.


And people wonder why the media focuses on the sensational. It’s simple guys:

You, by clicking on it, choose it.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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