Think of a number, add the CIA then divide that answer by two, then multiply your answer by MI5, take away the number you started with and your answer is Thursday.

FFS, I’ve heard some cock and bull stories about why the Scorpions have to be disbanded along the way but the Kikinegate revelations yesterday are going to take some beating. I wish I had been at the Umhlazi Hearing at the Indoor Sports Complex. I could have had a field day.

“The reason the Scorpions have to close Mr Commissioner is due to the fact that Ed Darwin, the genius who pretended to die in a canoeing accident, has been holing up in Josef Fritzl’s cellar which caused Georgia to invade South Ossetia where they discovered Lord Lucan whose great grandfather is related to an advocate who works for the Scorpions.”

“Mr Trapido, are you insane?!”

“Well he started it” (pointing to Kikine).

Dear oh dear oh dear.

Why would anyone want to close down one of South Africa’s top crime fighting units?

Because they were political, tied to past regimes, or unfairly after the ANC top guys? Forget about it. The easiest way to solve that is to bring in new staff where necessary and carry on. In terms of costs, bridging the gap between the police and Scorpions and political bias there is nothing that can’t be sorted out by meeting with the guys and agreeing to the way forward.

The reason why the Scorpions have to go is because they are dealing with certain cases that need to be closed down before the results of their investigations become public knowledge. That is one aspect of the Scorpions that cannot be resolved by negotiation because nobody is going to tell the Scorpions you can carry on if you close down certain cases. That would be confirmation of where the real problems lie.

No, this requires those cases being handed over to suitable parties in appropriate units, not the Scorpions, who can then decline to investigate and/or prosecute and deep six the files.

That is why you can stand on your heads and scream all you like. The Scorpions will have to go.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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