The statement released by the African National Congress in respect of the granting of bail to ANC Northern Cape Chairperson John Block should be warmly welcomed.

It is a document that every member of the African National Congress Youth League should read after their Northern Cape Youth League attacked National Prosecuting Authority head Menzi Simelane.

Magistrate Lance Roach in the Kimberley Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday granted Block and his co-accused, businessman Gaston Savoi, bail in the sum of R100 000.

Below is the statement released by the ruling party in response to that.

It is a credit to those within the party that worked on it as well as those who finally drafted the end product.

In this regard it confirms the following :

1. The welcome news in respect of the bail as far as they were concerned.

2. Their total acceptance that the matter was left to the courts to adjudicate without interference.

3. Their acceptance that no ANC or ANCYL structure should have been involved in the matter.

4. Their confidence in our judiciary (which) is boosted by its independence on this and any other matter before our courts.

5. Their unequivocal confirmation that nobody including the ANC — ANC leaders and any other high profile members of other political parties — is above the law.

6. That John Block will be able to vindicate himself or otherwise in court.

7. As the ANC, they have confidence in the independence and the ethical workings of our judiciary and our law-enforcement authorities which include the National Prosecuting Authority, its head, Advocate Menzi Simelane, and the Hawks.

8. A call to all ANC structures to respect and give the legal process a chance to take its course and to refrain from unwarranted attacks on state agencies tasked with ensuring that the country is freed from crime and corruption.

9. Confirmation that the ANC is not defending anybody in this particular matter but is committed to its priority area of fighting crime and corruption.

10. Confirmation that they will always defend our institutions that are tasked with this responsibility of ensuring that the country is freed of crime and corruption.

11. Confirmation that where there is evidence of these institutions going against their mandate, the ANC will not hesitate to take them to task. “So far we have not found such evidence.”

12. Confirmation that while they won’t comment on ill-discipline any further, all structures are subject to the ANC policy positions and discipline.

In a word outstanding.

It is this kind of maturity that must guide the party in the future. It covers every angle from the independence of the judiciary and state organs to the manner in which the party faithful must approach the matter.

If a consistency of approach can somehow be attained, the confidence in these state institutions, the judiciary and the party will undoubtedly increase while bringing far more stability.

The statement should be pinned up in every single branch of the ANC structures.


The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes the granting of bail to ANC Northern Cape Chairperson John Block, effectively leading to his release from incarceration. We also believe that this was the matter for the courts to pronounce on. The matter concerning comrade Block or anybody who is suspected of any wrongdoing was never a matter of any ANC structure, including the ANC Youth League in the Northern Cape. This is a matter that rests within our judiciary. Our confidence in our judiciary is boosted by its independence on this and any other matter before our courts. The ANC would like to state that none of us — including ANC leaders and any other high-profile members of other political parties — are above the law.

We believe that Comrade Block’s release from incarceration will now provide him with an opportunity towards vindicating himself, as he has claimed no wrongdoing following allegations of corruption. The ANC also wish to reiterate that comrade Block is innocent until proven guilty. If comrade Block has been falsely or “politically accused”, the courts of law in our country will offer him a platform for recourse and exoneration. As the ANC, we have confidence in the independence and the ethical workings of our judiciary and our law-enforcement authorities. These include the National Prosecuting Authority, its head, Advocate Menzi Simelane, and the Hawks.

We call on all ANC structures in the Northern Cape and anywhere else in the country to respect and give the legal process a chance to take its course and refrain from unwarranted attacks on state agencies tasked with ensuring that the country is freed from crime and corruption. The ANC is not defending anybody in this particular matter but is committed to its priority area of fighting crime and corruption wherever it rears its ugly head. We will always defend our institutions that are tasked with this responsibility of ensuring that the country is freed of crime and corruption. Where there is evidence of these institutions going against their mandate, the ANC will not hesitate to take them to task. So far we have not found such evidence.

We will not comment any further on uncouth and ill-disciplined utterances from some of our structures in the Northern Cape. We will deal with these matters internally. We want to make it clear and reiterate that any ANC Youth League, Women’s League or Veterans’ League structure anywhere in the country is subjected to ANC policy positions and discipline. When ANC members speak outside ANC policy and discipline, we have every reason to worry and call them to order. We have a duty to guide the ANC Youth League and any other structures that are part of the ANC family all the way, including dealing with the matter concerning comrade Block. No ANC policy should be interpreted through emotions or affection for any ANC member or leader in our country.

Issued by: Jackson Mthembu
National Spokesperson African National Congress


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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