Posted inGeneral

Sexuality, creative blocks and our identities

One of the advantages of writing for the recently closed NewsTime was that I was “required” to produce a column every week. This I did dutifully for nearly a year except for a break over Christmas. “Required” is in inverted commas because there was no payment and therefore no absolute obligation. The idea was that […]

Posted inLifestyleMedia

Look but you can’t listen

On several occasions in the recent past I’ve bitched and moaned at the poor staff of Look & Listen, complaining about the sheer hopelessness of their jazz selection: very few of the great classics, for instance, or very spotty representation of even very-well-known artists. Sometimes a staff member says “I’ll tell the buyer,” which seems […]

Posted inNews/Politics

From the ‘chief slut’ herself…

By Umeshree Govender Some time back, while Facebook-crastinating in the lab, as one does, my friend, Stuart MacDonald sent me a link to an article on SlutWalk Toronto. My initial reaction to the Toronto police officer’s remark that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised” was a rather defiant “Oh […]

Posted inLifestyle

Divorce: Yes, there is an upside

Over the past couple of days I’ve had conversations with two straight male friends of mine. One is going through an acrimonious and horribly expensive divorce; the other is a serial dater looking unsuccessfully for love. I always like to lend a sympathetic ear and an ergonomic shoulder, and I’ve come out of the experience […]

Posted inLifestyle

Coming out of the granny closet

Today I had a powerful flashback to the single most awful, humiliating moment in the entire awful, humiliating process that was the implosion of my life after I was retrenched from my job in Sydney in November 2008. It was at a dinner party more than a year ago. We were about to pile into […]

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RWC: Love it when a plan comes together

A while ago and a few times on air I have said that I believe the Australian rugby team looks perfectly poised to rob the Rugby World Cup from the favourites and hosts, the New Zealand All Blacks. I have, at the same time, also felt much contempt for those who have placed immense emphasis […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What do WE know about the London riots?

By James Duminy The recent acts of insurrection, violence and looting in London have drawn typically shocked and patronising condemnation from all corners of the newspaper-reading classes. “Isn’t it just shocking that people can behave like this? What must their parents say?” A particularly pernicious discourse has emerged to describe these events — the vocabulary […]

Posted inGeneral

Training? Not me!

The other side of the fence was where I ended up at this weekend’s 5150, which is a standard distance triathlon, part of the IronMan stable. Not where I wanted to be. I wanted to be racking my bike, pulling on my wetsuit and generally partaking. But the Gods of training let me down. I […]

Posted inGeneral

Medical consent: Informed or not?

Have you ever consented to a medical procedure? Did you consider that to be an informed consent? Were you aware of the benefits, risks and complications of the procedure? Have you ever consented to a Blood Product transfusion? Were you told that the risk of contracting HIV is 1 in 2 million people? I attended […]