Posted inGeneral

Closing the loop to translate insight into action

Full closed loop BI functionality across mobile and social networks has now become feasible, allowing enterprise BI to deliver even greater business value. MicroStrategy now makes full use of interactive closed loop capabilities to deliver even greater value from the data residing both within and outside an enterprise. Within an enterprise, mobile adds a new […]

Posted inMedia

Why I loved Material — and you will too

I hate crying at the movies. Always have. For some reason, I feel deeply uncomfortable about showing emotion, even if nobody else can see it in the dark. And yet the first time I saw Material I cried. That’s the sign of a good movie: a story that can move the audience to laugh and […]

Posted inGeneral

NHI: infected with doubt

Health systems news and health systems financing news, in particular, seldom get the nation talking. But the announcement of the imminent arrival of National Health Insurance (NHI) on our shores, and the subsequent release of the policy paper on the NHI, certainly did. And rightly so! For a country that spends a respectable percentage of […]

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Men, dogs, violence and fear

By Nadia Sanger The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) is a public hospital in Bridgetown in the Western Cape that provides services to sick animals. There are always queues at the PDSA; the staff are over-worked and the hospital is under-resourced. Most animal guardians who cannot afford private vet fees visit the PDSA or […]

Posted inBusiness

Measuring consumer confidence

Last week’s post explained how to interpret economic indicators using gross domestic product as an example. This week, we’ll examine consumer confidence measures. Who are the biggest spenders in South Africa? Want to guess government? You’d be wrong. How about business? Wrong again. The correct answer is us. It’s not even close. South African household […]

Posted inGeneral

The Facebook failure

By Wicked Mike Let’s face it: Facebook withholds information so that fact and hype are difficult to differentiate. With Facebook aiming for a $10-billion initial public offering (IPO) in 2012 that would value the company at $100-billion, and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, a media celebrity even before The Social Network was released, it’s easy to […]