Posted inLifestyle

Talking music

Seeing as there’s so much hellfire, damnation and slimy things with slimy legs crawling upon a slimy sea, I thought I’d really wind my neck in and talk music. Or rather the music you just gotta get, ’cause in the magical list below exist the latest, finest and most versatile stuff today. Seek you the […]

Posted inBusiness

Dropping import tariffs to raise exports: How mumbo-jumbo conquered the policy ‘debate’

The heated discussion over the past few weeks about whether South Africa should unilaterally lower its import tariffs reminds me of Francis Wheen’s excellent book How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World: A Short History of Modern Delusions. In it, Wheen documents a range of modern delusions where truths are assumed to be so obvious that there […]

Posted inLifestyle

They really are watching you

You are right, they are watching you. I’m somewhat paranoid — who isn’t? But here’s a chilling little tale. You are on your way into the UK from Europe. You go through immigration. You get pulled aside. The official has a simple question: Why did you go to a particular Palestinian restaurant in London two […]

Posted inLifestyle


A New Phenomenon: The winter of 2007 shall go down in the Sumo’s history as a time of boundless indulgence of the female kind. Allow me to elaborate, and in all that will follow, keep in mind that the Sumo is a bachelor. In the time leading to the winter of 2007, as the season […]