Posted inNews/Politics

Dear Winnie Madikizela-Mandela

With everyone running around dropping off letters to each other — President Mbeki to President Bush, Morgan Tsvangirai to Mbeki and the chairman of Benoni Brothels Inc to the government (Mrs Traps) — I slipped out without paying, apparently — I figured: Why not send one to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela? As the recipient of the most […]

Posted inGeneral

Irony that is music to my ears

Submitted by Dylan Edwards The news that Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday will be celebrated with a concert in Hyde Park would have been exciting news for many South Africans. Unfortunately, the Hyde Park in question is not the northern Johannesburg suburb; in fact, it’s in London. And the excited South Africans are not the 40-odd-million […]

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Renaissance dreams and discontent

Submitted by Chris Waldburger This month, South Africa ached for a leader. South Africa’s shoulder rubbed raw against the wheel of destiny; there was nobody to stand as a midwife for her so that she could bear the hopes and dreams of a continent. She shook with the fever of fear, hatred and criminal opportunism […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Delivered, bound hand and foot

In every province of human life, and in that of reporting truthfully principally so, we have a right to demand a living sympathy of mind with mind. It is clearly not only about getting the highest circulation in the media establishment; the press is charged to inform, to entertain, to enlighten and sometimes to swim […]

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Religious authoritarianism and social control

While reading Henry Giroux’s book, Against the New Authoritarianism (2005), I recalled Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), a riveting narrative of a post-nuclear war regression to a supposedly biblically founded Republic of Gilead in what is now the United States of America. This futuristic dystopia is hierarchically structured and ruthlessly authoritarian, with women and […]

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Is South Africa a “rogue democracy”?

Dear President Bush, What with all your known knowns, unknown knowns and unknown unknowns, we’re sure you’re absolutely overrun about now. We were however wondering if you could kindly email South Africa a copy of our president’s recent letter to you, apparently asking you to stay out of Africa, which he claims belongs to him. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The big question

The big question coming out of all the centres of refuge for “foreigners” displaced by xenophobic violence in and around police stations, civic centres and churches is where do we go from here? What plans are on the table to protect, sustain and eventually reintegrate into the community some 30 000 (and growing) displaced people, […]

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Perfect state or police state?

One of the things that has been hard for me to get used to about living in the US is the feeling of being policed at every turn. Here, my life is filled with a multitude of rules and regulations, along with a strong presence of law enforcement officials to make sure that I follow […]