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The flawed nature of humans

“Judgment of our friends ought to be suspected when they are in favour of ourselves” – Rene Descartes (1659 – 1650) We are as humans, endowed with the abundance of prejudice; and which like reason is by nature equally distributed among all of us; it however manifest in varying degrees. None of us can with […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Unravelling the Zimbabwe problem

It has long been suggested by many that Mugabe cannot rig the economy. It is an interesting but unconvincing argument. The complexity of the Zimbabwe problem is one which we may only fully understand with the benefit of hindsight, assuming all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in our lifetimes. It was the economy, […]

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Who owns digital marketing?

I have been following the series of Direct Marketing articles by Kieth Wiser published on Marketing Web with interest. I have noticed with particular interest, some defensive views from the Above The Line (ATL) crowd who are laying claim to the digital marketing crown. As an outsider to the both ATL and direct marketing, the […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

To BEE or not to BEE?

The brouhaha surrounding the Pretoria High Court’s ruling to reclassify South African-born Chinese (pre-1994) as coloured is turning into a “broken telephone” message — ironically, also known as a “Chinese whisper”. When viewed from outside the country, the issue would seem quite farcical, if only it were not so tragic. The nitpicking and mud-slinging that […]

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When your country lets you down

In theory, I could live almost anywhere in the world. I have a US education, an EU passport, a work-from-anywhere career and have already called four countries home. I have chosen to settle in South Africa, not because it is my country of birth (it isn’t) and certainly not because of a lack of choices. […]

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Google pushes mobile to offline South Africans

Reading the (offline) newspaper this weekend, it was interesting to see a selection of Google adverts across various sections. For instance, in Independent Newspapers’ Travel 2008 supplement, there’s an advert with the caption “Find flights to Johannesburg on your mobile”. The advert features a picture of a mobile phone, in this case the Nokia N95, […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Next week in (East) Jerusalem

My most recent memory of Jerusalem stretches back more than 20 years. I had just spent a year studying in Israel — first Hebrew in Jerusalem and then architecture in Haifa — and had decided to return home to Johannesburg. I was visiting friends at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, […]

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The dark side of the beautiful game

It may be the beautiful game, but the world’s most popular sport is also synonymous with death and destruction. Take the qualifying campaign for the 2010 World Cup, for example. Earlier this month, 10 fans died before a 2010 World Cup qualifier between Gambia and Liberia at the overcrowded Samuel L. Doe stadium in Monrovia. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The anti-capitalist clown

Over on ThoughtLeader, Bert Olivier, an academic of the philosophical persuasion, rails against those who defend “the unforgiveable practices of capitalism”. I hardly know where to start, but as one of the people who frequently offers a defence for the practices of capitalism, I’ll make a few general points in rebuttal, though.

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Learning lessons from innovative small companies

Well-run smaller companies are often agile and responsive, in short, they are communication innovators — more so when compared to the giant corporate dinosaurs at the top of the financial food chain. This realisation became most apparent after a recent presentation given by one of the largest private banking institutions in South Africa outlining three […]