Posted inNews/Politics

Blacker than thou

Déjà vu — again. And of a particularly nasty variety too. After refusing to apologise for inciting violence by saying he’d “kill” for ANC president Jacob Zuma, ANCYL president Julius Malema promised not to use the word “kill” in public again. So, now he’s gone and used the word “eliminate”. The last time we were […]

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Terror and cosmopolitanism

The work of social theorist Ulrich Beck (famous for his book Risk Society) on cosmopolitanism is a valuable source of reflection on the question, whether there can ever be an answer to the ‘threat’ of terror and ‘terrorism’. In A new cosmopolitanism is in the air (2007), Beck sets out to answer the question: ‘How […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Spare South African sport the Stofiles

Regular readers will know that I am a strong supporter of transformation in South African sport and vehemently opposed to tokenism. I have not only written numerous articles on the subject but also pledged the entire proceeds of my forthcoming book to transformation in rugby. The children of South Africa, primarily those in our underprivileged […]

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Who is responsible for our misery?

Submitted by Sizwe Nyenyiso There is no doubt in my mind that someone should take responsibility for all the misery experienced by Africans. Ancient history reveals that Africa was a harmonised and peaceful continent in the world, whose inhabitants hunted with bows and even wooden clubs. Many Africans sustained their living primarily through hunting and […]

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Can Western civilisation survive without religion?

When the churches were the primary disseminators of anti-Jewish sentiment, Jews presumably would have felt that the disappearance of the Christian religion would be a good thing. It is therefore a remarkable irony that today, many religiously observant Jews are viewing the disintegration of traditional Christian society with something approaching dismay. There are no absolute […]

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The root of most corruption in Africa

Africa’s history has been history of suffering and the struggle for liberation and independence. The overarching problem with Africa’s struggle for liberation and independence from colonial and imperialist rule and exploitation has been centered on political liberation, without any emphasis on economic liberation. African countries gained their independence from colonial rule many moons ago; but […]

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Lords of the pace

I’d like to wish Kevin Pietersen all the best and a strong showing in the opening npower Test between England and South Africa at Lords tomorrow. As I say I’d like to, but unfortunately I’d be bullshitting the turncoat. For me an ideal return would be two ducks with lashings of dropped catches. He’d better […]

Posted inNews/Politics

South Africa: A developmental state?

Referring to South Africa and/or South Africans, Pusch Commey (in the July 2008 issue of NewAfrican) argues that ‘the trouble is with a massive psychologically-scarred population left behind by a psychologically-devastating system – apartheid’. This is probably one of the few very direct appraisals of the challenges that face us as a country and the […]