Posted inGeneral

Enterprise 4.0

We come out of a tradition of Enterprise 1.0, these days sometimes known as “old-school business”. Then the focus shifted to social networks and Enterprise 2.0 was born. Now people are talking about Enterprise 3.0, which includes Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Extended Enterprise (EE) principles. These are all probably good shifts in the industry and are […]

Posted inGeneral

Microsoft’s $300m attempt to sell us Vista

I have written before on Apples onslaught on Microsoft and if Microsoft will survive and retaliate with some brilliant innovation. It seems they’ve opted for fixing their current product and marketing the idea that their new product is much better … and they’re marketing it wholesale to the public. Microsoft has petitioned the ad agency […]

Posted inBusiness

Of irrational apathy and exuberance!

In 1996 Alan Greenspan, then the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, when addressing the American Enterprise Institute enquired, “… But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?” Just over a month […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The wrangle over Africa

It is hard to fathom, but Zimbabwe is sandwiched between the ambitions of two super powers to extend their influence over the African continent. Both China and the United States see Africa as the strategic focus in an ever-tense game of vying for hegemony. The recent outrage by the Bush administration at South Africa’s refusal […]

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Geek respect

I’ve often heard it said by those who’ve had to manage geeks (or want to have positive interactions with them) that they find that geeks have little respect for those outside their field — in particular for management and for those that perform non-technical work like administration (e.g. accountants and office managers) and user support. […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Institutions shoring up Eurocentrism and ‘Western civilisation’ are not ‘non-partisan’

A contribution to Thought Leader by David Saks reminded me of an intellectual movement with which I associate myself, and which questions the continued application of Western thought/Eurocentrism as the dominant paradigm for social organisation — especially governance, policy-making, development and so forth. Out of this movement emerges a body of thought that questions the […]

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South Africa: Progress and challenges

As suggested in Elhanan Helpman’s Mystery of Economic Growth, there are many tasks that rest on the shoulders of a (developmental) state. The same line of thinking can be discerned also in Jeffery Sach’s End of Poverty. In our context, for example, it is incontrovertible that the state, or its main agent (that is, the […]

Posted inGeneral

Fair is foul…!

“Fair is foul and foul is fair!” So wrote Shakespeare in Macbeth four centuries ago, but frankly those words could very easily apply to the ongoing accusations and counter-accusations, whinging and bickering that has characterised the Tri-Nations to date. Everyone has an opinion, everyone has a view about this or that incident or other – […]