Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Are all racist scum equal?

“A R10 000 reward has been offered to anyone who identifies the racist scum who marred Saturday’s Springbok victory at Johannesburg’s Ellis Park.” It was an opening paragraph designed to attract attention and it certainly caught mine. I was appalled by the boorishness of the drunken yobs who picked on Ziningi Shibambo and told her: […]

Posted inGeneral

A young white Afrikaner on reconciliation and transformation

Submitted by Marius Redelinghuys During the first session of the South African Association of Political Studies annual conference at Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre, Dr Sally Matthews (Rhodes University) touched on the subject of Reconciliation and the Acknowledgement of White Privilege in South Africa: A Discussion of the Home for All Campaign. She sought to […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Zille maybe not so Zilly?

Maybe I owe an apology to Helen Zille, leader of the Democratic Alliance? I harshly criticised her earlier this year for challenging the constitutionality of the Erasmus Commission of Enquiry set up by then Premier Ebrahim Rasool, arguing that she appeared shifty and less than honest. I was particularly scathing of her criticism of Judge […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Is President Mbeki conniving with business against Jacob Zuma?

Opportunism and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are arguably some of the prime ingredients of success in business. The changing political landscape in South Africa has required some business leaders to re-evaluate their political positioning. Under the Mbeki administration, there had been accusations that those who were closely aligned to the party heavyweights, […]