Posted inNews/Politics

Reverse sexism – a thought experiment gone bad

In my last offering entitled ‘The scourge of reverse sexism’ — — I listed aspects of the gender relations in this country that I presumably disagreed with. I invited you, the reader, to come in and point out all the flaws in my rationale. What I didn’t share with you is that the post […]

Posted inBusinessNews/Politics

Drawing instructive lessons of leadership from champions of supreme iniquities

Great leaders leave for later generations the task of imitation and identify themselves through constant response to the rhythms of changing circumstances; they turn the inchoate emotions of the mob to the purpose of their own; they seize on the opportunities of their time, the confiding hopes, fears, frustrations, crises and potentialities; and they succeed […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

In defence of Zapiro

At their recent national convention in St Paul, Minnesota, the Republicans were quick to blame the “liberal media” for many of the ills of society. So too were their supporters in the conservative press. In response to questions regarding the suitability of John McCain’s running mate, for example, Jeffrey Kuhner of the Washington Times — […]

Posted inLifestyle

Trends and issues in local philanthropy in East Africa

A review of: Rose Lukalo-Owino, A Legacy of Giving: The Story of Mohamedally and Maniben Rattansi Educational Trust, Allavida, Nairobi: 2008. — In Trust for Tomorrow: Kenya Community Development Foundation, Allavida, Nairobi: 2008. — One Woman At a Time: The Kianda Foundation, Allavida, Nairobi: 2008. Connie Ngodi-Houghton, Promoting Philanthropy in Kenya: The Case for Tax […]

Posted inGeneral

Free speech and African homophobia

Submitted by Troy Thiel The recent homophobic writings of Jon Qwelane and the subsequent LGBT community reaction have highlighted many questions about where the borders of free speech lie and journalists’ responsibility regarding the effect of their words. With visible examples of hate crimes, this is an emotionally charged subject. Respectfully, I would, however, like […]