Posted inGeneral

Mpshe, NPA show some balls!

Mr Mpshe needs to be reminded of a little fact about South Africans this week — we are not a people born of cowards, nor men who place personal ambitions above what needs to be done for the people. We are born of men who stood up when it was more comfortable and beneficial to […]

Posted inMedia

Where is the media’s tipping point?

What is the “tipping point” which sees the media deliberately shift from passive reporter to active crusader? What pushes the media into pro-active campaign mode deliberately making the news and not merely the quasi-objective spectator telling the world what’s happening, when, where, to who, why and how? Precedents, great and small, exist galore. When I […]

Posted inGeneral

Africa’s socio-economic conundrum

Things could get worse. The world economy is at a crossroads again, if not in a mess. As some have said before, certain challenges present opportunities — this is, in my view, one of those challenges (ie the current global financial crisis), which presents another opportune moment for humanity as a whole. The gist of […]

Posted inGeneral

Other people’s kids

People assume that just because one is a parent, one loves kids. Rubbish, I can’t stand kids that are not my own. And there’s nothing I hate more than parents who can’t stop jabbering on and on about their kids and how smart they are and how “little Sizwe said the sweetest thing the other […]

Posted inLifestyle

Chopsticks and impromptu slapstick

I always love watching an unfortunate situation sneak up on an unsuspecting victim if it is going to be for my pleasure and amusement, but often it is only in retrospect that you realise just how utterly terrified the unfortunate victim was during the sequence of events leading to his comedic demise; only at the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

This is about etiquette, not equality

There are persistent rumours that Prince Harry is not his father’s son. But he is certainly his grandfather’s grandson. Like Prince Philip, the undisputed king of making racially-tinged gaffes, Harry has landed himself in hot water for referring to ethnic minorities in derogatory terms. Philip, married to the Queen, has insulted the Chinese (“slitty eyed”), […]