Posted inNews/Politics

Christmas in Cuba

Being extremely risk averse, I seldom stray beyond the bounds of the law. Granted, I once had sex with another man just north of the Limpopo. It was consensual and, to be frank, quite delicious. But unlawful nevertheless. Luckily, however, the privacy of our coupe on the night train to Mutare secured our liberty. Steamy […]

Posted inGeneral

Africa, Africans and African Renaissance

David Diop’s Reflections on Colonialism – Africa – convey important points; a message one cannot ignore: Africa tell me Africa Is this you this back that is bent This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation This back trembling with red scars … That is Africa your Africa That grows again patiently obstinately And […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Obama’s disdain sends Mugabe to Russia; China revisited?

In June of last year Barack Obama, soon to be inaugurated as the next president of the United States, declared Robert Mugabe’s regime illegitimate and lacking in credibility. Then Senator for Illinois, Obama expressed the view that “If fresh elections prove impossible, the US and other countries should tighten “targeted sanctions” and “pursue an enforceable, […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Buyology — how we’re brainwashed into buying stuff

We’ve always suspected those tawdry health warnings on a packet of fags were rather dumb, but never knew why. Well, it seems that, contrary to discouraging smoking, they actually encourage lighting up by stimulating the nucleus accumbens — the craving spot — in the brain. This recent research finding in what’s called “buy*ology” is a […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The house of hunger

If Princeton economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is to be believed, 2009 could be a very tricky year. Forget tricky; it has the potential to be an outright disaster. The sad thing is that this financial mess will probably affect weaker economies disproportionately, even though they had the least to do with […]

Posted inBusinessTech

Making money on the web

It seems that effective monetising of websites may still be a hit and miss affair. In an interesting article on Brand Republic the discussion is about a video site called Hulu. According to projected ad revenue figures Hulu will be earning as much if not more advertising revenue in 2009 than YouTube will. What is […]