Posted inLifestyle

Chopsticks and impromptu slapstick

I always love watching an unfortunate situation sneak up on an unsuspecting victim if it is going to be for my pleasure and amusement, but often it is only in retrospect that you realise just how utterly terrified the unfortunate victim was during the sequence of events leading to his comedic demise; only at the […]

Posted inGeneral

Put your faith in black lawyers

One of the fundamental problems that black lawyers are facing in the bid to transform the make-up of legal firms and employment of advocates is the unfortunate legacy we are still carrying from the days of apartheid. Clients — both black and white — are nervous about using black attorneys in the mistaken belief that […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Yes we did

On 4 November 2008, I was one of hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the United States working to ensure Barack Obama’s election. In anticipation of Tuesday’s inauguration, here’s my account of that day. After an exhilarating 24-hour stretch, I crawled into bed on the following morning with an ache in my left leg and […]