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Other people’s kids

People assume that just because one is a parent, one loves kids. Rubbish, I can’t stand kids that are not my own. And there’s nothing I hate more than parents who can’t stop jabbering on and on about their kids and how smart they are and how “little Sizwe said the sweetest thing the other […]

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Et tu Madiba?

by Marius Redelinghuys On my way to campus Monday morning I got a bit anxious when I read the Pretoria News posters alluding to some “Madiba magic” injection into the ANC’s election campaign, I pondered the possibilities of what this could really mean, but didn’t think much of it initially. However, as I walked into […]

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Referral system is just not cricket

This much-vaunted referral system the International Cricket Council (ICC) has implemented is a terrible decision. For one it has turned the hallowed grail of Test cricket into a stop-start contest, complete with all the hollow tension of a game show with a silly mystery prize. “Is he out or is he in? Let’s go upstairs […]

Posted inLifestyle

The noise in the night

The other night, a loud noise jolted me out of my slumbers. Immediately, I went into panic mode: adrenaline surging, heart thumping, muscles rigid, hearing attuned to the slightest clue as to what the cause might be. I waited. Another thump. The pipes? Then the faint sound of water running. It was the woman who […]

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Academic freedom alive and well

I have always been the foremost advocate of academic freedom among my peers, most of whom during their early undergraduate days did not see the relevance of academic freedom in their lives, which were seemingly interminable cycles of rote learning and repetition. Though they might have resented the absence of free thinking from their first-year […]