Posted inNews/Politics

Tradespotting SA

If Renton hadn’t been a smack junkie, he might have said instead … Choose communism, choose a skill and choose a trade. Choose a kolkhoz. Choose a flippin big factory. Choose washing your clothing with regulation soap. Choose not having cars, compact disc players, electrical tin openers or ribbed condoms. Choose DIY and wondering why […]

Posted inNews/Politics

De Lille submits rabbi as candidate for Western Cape premier

“Independent Democrat leader Patricia de Lille has confirmed that a Johannesburg rabbi from the northern suburbs will be submitted as their candidate to contest the Western Cape Premiership in the forthcoming elections. Rabbi Alexander Carlebach of the Chabad Synagogue, Lyndhurst, Johannesburg, confirmed that he was joining the party but would not comment on the issue […]

Posted inGeneral

Will they swear an oath of honesty?

I have since August 2005 had to climb into the open sewer of personality politics — at first without public demonstration, and then latterly, since August 2007, with overt and public demonstration — for the express purpose of sensitising community leaders about ethical leadership and honest corporate and public governance. Perhaps it was my egomania […]

Posted inMedia

I wish more advertising was like this

I’ve always believed in the power of advertising, not just to sell stuff, but to transcend the narrow boundaries of commercial speech, to express joyful creativity or capture a particularly telling insight — and sometimes both. This is especially true in South Africa. Think back to the 1990s, when the little white mouse used the […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Could a UDF ever emerge again?

Over the last week issues have been highlighted in the press regarding support for political parties by the non-profit sector, particularly public benefit organisations. Even the churches have entered the fray, with the obvious example being Rhema, which is classified as a public benefit organisation. According to the tax laws, it should not be supporting, […]

Posted inNews/Politics


South Africans are waking up to news this morning that the National Prosecuting Authority have purportedly been placed in possession of tapes, ostensibly handed over to them by the Zuma team as part of their representations to have the charges against the ANC president dropped, which include tapped telephonic conversations between inter alia former president […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Winnie, taxis and xenophobia

The Independent Electoral Commission has confirmed that Winnie Madikizela-Mandela is entitled to be nominated as a candidate for the African National Congress despite the objections that they have received. This may not be the last word on the issue as the Freedom Front Plus has confirmed that they are taking this matter to the electoral […]

Posted inLifestyle

Men, women, age and double standards

While reading an interview with Barry Hilton, the following revelations about his marriages caught my eye: “Then after I wrote off marriage and cursed it I met my darling Sandy, who is 19 years my junior, but you’d swear she is the older one in the relationship,” he told the interviewer. “When she met me […]