Posted inGeneral

Zumaphobia vs Zumamania: The schism continues

As if the electorate could be any more bewildered by current South African politics, the decision to drop all corruption charges against Jacob Zuma has turned ordinary South Africans into believers, converted sceptics into philosophers and motored immigration turnstiles into action. Just a week before the “most important election” and the electorate couldn’t be more […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Guess who’s coming to class

By Thabo Mohlala I recently attended a mass meeting convened by the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu) Gauteng central region at Orlando Communal Hall in Soweto. I was intrigued by its recent shenanigans when they unashamedly opted to hold a meeting during school time to promote ANC policies at the expense of education. I […]

Posted inGeneral

Justice equals prosecuting Zuma?

If media statements from political parties and editorial comments reacting to the NPA’s decision to withdraw charges against JZ are anything to go by, South Africa is in trouble. Almost all parties and editorials alike agree that dropping charges against Zuma is “unjust” and is a product of pressure from the ANC. It is interesting […]

Posted inNews/Politics

I’m voting ACDP

Well, it wasn’t quite like blackballing Mother Teresa, but it came close. In the context of the free world, the Dalai Lama enjoys something approaching Gandhian status. He is a true icon of peace and of a people’s struggle to be free, with these two ideals, so unusually, being complementary, not contradictory. Perhaps the most […]