Posted inNews/Politics

Malema vs Zille: Do we love what we hate?

Before going onto the blog, I invite readers to do a quick survey and answer, who finds the Zille-Malema slugfest: a) Entertaining b) Irresponsible politics c) An embarrassment for South Africa’s international image d) Stupid but harmless e) Destructive and creating rifts and resentments among races and parties f) Other (your opinion) Thanks. I first […]

Posted inGeneral

Levelling the playing field

African football is entering a critical period — one that will determine whether the decision to host the World Cup on African soil for the first time was the correct one. Firstly, final preparations are now under way for the Confederations Cup, a tournament that will see hosts South Africa thrown into the deep-end with […]

Posted inGeneral

Indeed working together we must do more!

Unity is the mantra of every politician, whether inspired by well-meaning intentions or purely populist rhetoric and self-serving interests, it is a constant refrain. A united country seldom serves the immediate populist interests of holders of public office. When all of us are unified by common interests, populists lose an effective weapon to use in […]

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The search for Southern Africa flava

Okay, I am biased. It is my writing. I am in good company: JK Rowling was turned down six times before her first Harry Potter was published. My memoir, Cracking China, has been turned down about eight times now by various SA publishers and agencies. Interestingly enough, they mostly praised the manuscript and say they […]

Posted inGeneral

SA clears another significant hurdle

Take a bow South Africa. Four free and fair democratic elections on the trot and the country has cleared another significant hurdle en route to hosting the 2010 World Cup. The gruelling election campaign which was frequently marred by political instability over the Jacob Zuma corruption trial has clearly impacted on the psyche of the […]