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October 2002, KwaZulu-Natal Parliament, Pietermaritzburg, Comrade Bheki Cele (chair of chairs) in and from the speaker’s chair: ” … the problem is that some of us (looking to the ANC) came into politics to help the people and to do the work in building a better life for all … but some people in this […]

Posted inMedia

Transforming the SABC (again!)

“There are enough zealots on both sides who kindle up the passions of their partisans and, under pretence of public good, pursue the interests and ends of their particular faction. For my part I shall always be fonder of promoting moderation than zeal, and though perhaps the surest way of producing moderation in every party […]

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SA: Matters of self-esteem, race and so on

In a timeless collection of African short stories, folk tales and poetry, edited by Barbara Nolen, the poem titled The Moon succinctly captures what this polemic is about. Let me reproduce the said poem: “The moon lights the earth It lights the earth but still The night must remain the night The night cannot be […]

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Racism remains a lingering disease

Will humanity one day look back on the days when people were regarded as greater or lesser beings because of their racial origins in the same way as we now look back on the era of witch hunting? This question assumes that at least some progress has been made in eliminating racial prejudice, and certainly […]

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The Huggies ad that caused the stink

Well now this is interesting. The Huggies ad that caused such a stink — no pun intended, but I’ll take what I can get — has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa. Having successfully* defended several ads subject to rulings by the ASA, I always follow their rulings with interest, but […]

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Dinokeng scenario points to truth of Blindness

By Coenraad Bezuidenhout Let me explain … The Dinokeng study, launched last month, suggests three scenarios for a South Africa of 2020. Together, these three imagined futures gesture that an engaged citizenry will be key to ensure a South Africa that shows sustainable progress through an effective state. We are fresh out of an election […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Iranian protests confirm ANC on right track with media freedom

Iran is currently witnessing the most violent demonstrations it has seen since the Islamic Revolution itself. Protesters in Tehran and further afield are pouring out onto the streets despite the government declaring protests illegal. Foreign journalists, in the country for the elections, are describing police brutality and even deaths among protesters as hostility increases. The […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Hogan can argue privatisation is policy

Public Enterprises Minister Barbara Hogan recently suggested underperforming parastatals might be sold off. The reaction was shock and dismay from the ANC and alliance partners. But the option of divestiture, the correct technical term, has long been part of ANC government policy. This policy is contained in the policy framework document, “An Accelerated Agenda towards […]