Posted inNews/Politics

No porn please

There are many reasons why DSTV should not have a porn channel, none of which have to do with morals. The debate about morals lands up with sex being a sin or at least frowned upon, and the idea of watching other people having sex is almost outlandish if not only a bit rude. But […]

Posted inGeneral

One hundred days to being screwed over

I don’t like press conferences. Organised to propagate nothing more than a particular message, they are spaces where real questions are rarely asked because they are really no place for real answers. Everything is pre-empted, rehearsed, and answers are a performed act, designed by media experts, advisers and prom queen mothers. Everyone knows that real […]

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Gaffie syndrome

By Duncan Newton Keal I have to consider myself one of the most committed sports fans. I have been supporting the Sharks and Proteas with blind passion for numerous years, only to consistently have my heart broken as they conspire to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Currently based in the Land of the […]

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SA rugby media bias: Fact or fiction?

I’ve only been involved with professional rugby journalism for just over a year, and one of the urban legends that I’ve picked up on my travels is that there is a bubbling (nothing too discernable) feeling from a section of rugby followers that media coverage in South Africa is biased in favour of certain teams, […]

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Leonard Cohen: Singer extraordinaire

Nietzsche once remarked that life would be “aimless” (a confused “getting lost”) without music. There are many instances of musical performance that attest to the accuracy of this insight, and among these one must certainly count the music of Leonard Cohen. I can hardly imagine that fans of the man who “was born with the […]