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Recently I was fortunate to see Steven Soderbergh’s two-part film on Ernesto “Che” Guevara, respectively titled The Argentine and Guerrilla, which debuted at the 2008 Cannes film festival, to mixed reviews. I say “fortunate” for two reasons — first, it is a splendid, documentary-style film-duo which corresponds, as far as I am able to ascertain, […]

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My new must-have app: Dropbox

Like many people these days, I work across many machines in a typical work-day. I have a Windows machine at the office, a Mac at home and back up all the computers to a Windows Home Server in the cupboard. I have a few “essential” folders that I always want to have access to (things […]

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The new beast: The beginning of the end?

By Duncan Keal The news that Mathew Hayden will be wielding a new weapon in this year’s Indian Premier League (IPL) came as little surprise. While the shape of cricket bats has remained constant over hundreds of years, technology has seen the modern bat have greater hitting power, a bigger sweet spot and a lighter […]

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Words and action

Everyone knows the saying about “sticks and stones” but I’m beginning to become disillusioned with the ending. South Africa is a place where freedom of speech is highly valued among all people and the right to tell your story is something empowering and powerful. But how do we then stop people when they’ve said too […]

Posted inNews/Politics

From the Acropolis to the Burj

Recent reaction to the Greek economic crisis was striking in its dissimilarity to the reaction to Dubai’s economic woes in 2009. Dubai was effectively written off as a nation doomed to permanent decline whereas Greece has been rallied around. I guess it really does pay to be part of the European Union. German Chancellor Merkel […]

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A how-to guide on front-row skullduggery

We all love our game of rugby with varying degrees of passion, from the Taliban-like fundamentalism of the painted Bulls bone heads, to the plasma screen couch fans popping salted peanuts in their mouth at home or at bars around the world. The game either ranges from a spectacle with a clash of the titan […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Supporting (limits to) media freedom

Zuma has received his award as Newsmaker of the Year for 2009. Not surprising, given last year’s events: a mixed bag, with the withdrawal of corruption charges, his election to the presidency, the launch of the presidential hotline and controversial appointments of a new chief justice, national director of public prosecutions and national police commissioner, […]