Posted inLifestyle

The perils of drunk SMSing

So I’m sitting in a doctor’s waiting room waiting, as you do, for the doctor who is now over 20 minutes late, and I’m at a bit of a loose end. None of the magazines on the coffee table offer stories that will fill the gaping void in my sense of self, so I decide […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Enough is enough

By Lucky Ntuli As South Africans, it is exhausting and frustrating to have to explain time and time again the behaviour of our politicians. In this particular case having to explain the childish, nonsensical, never amusing and utterly embarrassing Julius Malema. Now, I do not know the “man” nor do I want to. I do […]

Posted inNews/Politics

What Cope can learn from the DA

Many people, myself included, had hoped and believed that the Congress of the People (Cope) would be a credible alternative to the ruling party. Sadly, Cope has from its start been plagued by two factions: those who are committed to and wanted to build this credible alternative, and those who opportunistically sought to advance their […]

Posted inGeneral

Peace: What is it really?

By Nhlangano Nyembe I was chatting with a colleague of mine recently about the World Cup in South Africa and inevitably, the subject of the high crime rates in South Africa surfaced. He mentioned how he had read media reports about how dangerous South Africa is. I went on to agree with the reports however […]

Posted inGeneral

Did Suarez cheat?

By Ian Dickinson A hollow thud resonated as the ball thumped against the crossbar — a thud that all but silenced the African continent. Asamoah Gyan looked bewildered as did the many that had put their faith in Ghana’s Black Stars. The penalty had been awarded in the dying minutes of extra time following a […]

Posted inGeneral

Talk to me, baby, tell me lies

By The Creator Socio-political conditions in South Africa are bad, and getting worse. At present no organisations, in or out of Parliament, appear able to improve this situation. (Most such organisations, from the SACP to AfriForum, appear devoted to making conditions still worse.) What is to be done? Obviously, the government must be changed. Unfortunately, […]

Posted inGeneral

Why Cope failed

The origins of democracy can be traced back to ancient Greece and it was a Greek philosopher, Aristotle (384BC — 322BC), who said that “the basis of a democratic state is liberty” After many years of persistent tyranny that engulfed Greece in the period leading towards to the 6th century, the people of Athens reclaimed […]

Posted inGeneral

Soccer philosophy

What do soccer and philosophy have in common? Or, to put it another way — what interest do they share? It is probably safe to say that these interests are, first and foremost, moral and aesthetic. Was it Camus who said that everything he had learned about morality — or was it life — was […]