Posted inGeneral

Apartheid’s trapped within us

I reflect with a deep concern the demise of our country. Demons have not left the country with the promulgation of freedom in 1994. They are still very much entrenched within our public systems and certainly, within ourselves. The difference between pre-1994 and post-1994 lies in that our demons have changed their faces and evidently […]

Posted inLifestyle

Our happy (sp)ending

I’m interested in the story we tell about ourselves in 2010 South Africa – because I don’t think it has a happy ending.
It’s a story like many of the fairytales we’ve heard before. It tells us that we are all special individuals capable of achieving anything we can imagine if we just work hard enough. Yes, regardless of where you come from or what your background, you can have a happy ending — a Tuscan-like villa, flat-screen TVs, a flashy car, and lots of branded goodies.

Posted inNews/Politics

The worst is not behind us

If a sliver of South Africa’s future can be glimpsed through the prism of the current public-service protests, then the future should be delayed indefinitely. The unchecked culture of irresponsible protests has been allowed to grow into a soulless monster, ready to incite anarchy and we should all be afraid. Much has been said about […]

Posted inBusiness

Are CEOs overpaid?

By Monde Nkosi Winston Churchill once claimed that all men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes. It would appear that we, as a country, are not wise. As far back as 2005 during a strike by the SA Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union, a placard read: “Sean Summers you earn […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Gird your loins, chaps

I had the rather dubious pleasure of attending a discussion on the matter of the proposed media appeals tribunal and protection of information at the University of Johannesburg last night. Let me warn you from the outset: if you want intelligent, honest and frank discussion, do not go to these events. Just don’t. “Honest” discussion […]

Posted inNews/Politics


I like Zapiro. I like that his cartoons are irreverent, provocative, incisive, humorous and hyperbolic; that no matter how ostensibly offensive, they are almost always perfectly on point. And I like that they piss powerful people off. But not this week. A first for me, I find Friday’s M&G cartoon disappointing, its message inaccurate and […]

Posted inGeneral

Dead smart?

I live in a relatively safe neighbourhood, I use the word relative because let’s face it, nowhere is entirely safe. I have been mugged twice, the latest happening just last week on my way back from the gym. I live about 15 minutes from the gym so I prefer to walk there and gym at […]

Posted inGeneral

Why sports writing lost its oomph

The media’s role in a functioning democratic society is inseparable from the freedom enjoyed by such a society’s citizens. The Fourth Estate should act as a watchdog, hold those in political office accountable and keep the public abreast of what they need to know so they can play their part in what Lyndon B Johnson […]

Posted inGeneral

Currie Cup is home, where the heart is

Since the expansion of Super rugby arrived, there have been suggestions indicating that the days of the oldest domestic rugby competition in the world are numbered. It was a decent conclusion, considering that from next year the Currie Cup will be beginning later than ever, with Super rugby concluding in August (do I smell overkill […]