Posted inGeneral

Measuring website conversion rates

Conversion rates have long been the determining factor of a website’s success — whether you have a fully fledged e-commerce website, lead generating website or other, your conversion rate (usually) determines the overall return and success you are getting from the website. But what exactly is conversion rate? Most people measure a website’s conversion rate […]

Posted inGeneral

The giant leap from ‘I am’ to iPad

Can Twitter save our planet? Will Facebook free mankind from the twilight of collective stupidity, religious fanaticism and crazed dictatorships? Is WikiLeaks the fulfilment of the ancient prophecy contained in Johan 8:32? In short: is the internet the next step in the evolution of human consciousness? This isn’t just idle speculation. Many people are starting […]

Posted inGeneral

Are drivers the new smokers?

Back in the 60s, the smokers were the mainstream. They were the ones who strutted their puff, sucked everyone in with their smoky charm, and made friends with their nicotine sticks. While the anti-smoking lobby were considered the lunatic fringe, a bunch of commies, hippies, ninnies and stuck-up grannies. They were definitely not the norm. […]

Posted inGeneral

Rise Africans, rise!

“Nothing will come of nothing,” the old King Lear lashed out at his youngest daughter Cordelia. Cordelia unlike her older siblings, Regan and Goneril, had failed to shower the King, who was nearing the end of his mortal existence, with praises in order to earn an inheritance. This enraged the old king. For having “nothing” […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Egypt: Obama, audacity beckons, once again

By Abiye Teklemariam and Janice Winter Popular revolutions do not generally end with protesters storming presidential palaces. Success is most often achieved by their ability to breach the unity of the regime’s power base. Such divisions manifest in several ways: reluctance of the armed forces to take action against protesters, regime moderates distancing themselves from […]

Posted inGeneral

Federer vs Nadal: So who’s the best ever?

By Warren Glam I do love a good story. I’m especially fond of the ones which touch on what you might call heroic motifs — like the errant knight wandering through all manner of realms intent on making his mark in the world. Strong stuff, to be sure. And maybe I’m wrong in this, but […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Who should empower women?

By Athambile Masola “Wathinta umfazi wathinta imbokodo!” are the famous words that are often bandied about in South Africa’s media during Women’s Month every August without fail. The fuss around Women’s Day leaves me and many other women wondering what every other day is for, celebrating men? Given a past that has been dominated by […]

Posted inGender violenceNews/Politics

Nothing to correct

When children are born, parents and those around them begin the work of “correcting” them. They correct their poor eyesight with glasses, their spelling and grammar with extra lessons, and perhaps their posture with etiquette classes. There is a common feeling in today’s world that everything is possible, and there is no reason not to […]