Most of the time I write about things I really, really like.

Today feels like an opposite day. So here are a few of my un-favourite things:

(Before anyone takes offence, these are a few of my un-favourites. Not speaking for all of South Africa here).

  • People who read blogs only to pick out the one line to which they can take offence, and then apply that one line to all of South Africa, and call me names. I call people names, too, so I don’t mind that so much; I just don’t understand why anyone would actively seek out being offended. Anyone want to enlighten me?
  • Standing in line in front of someone with bad breath who keeps sighing. Loudly.
  • Naysayers. Especially those who keep repeating that the country is going to the dogs, and that we’re going to end up like Zimbabwe. Stop complaining. Start doing something.
  • Racism. Both ways. Why can’t we just stop this ceaseless colour-coding? Just because a white person says something doesn’t mean all white people are like that. Just because a black person says something doesn’t mean all black people are like that. Surely we’re past the stage where every opinion has to be a product of our race?
  • A complete refusal to look at anything vaguely optimistic. Being mildly happy doesn’t make you a fool. It can actually be quite fun.
  • Peanut butter. Jam. Margarine.

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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