While South Africa are sending assessors up to Zimbabwe next week in order to ascertain how much we need to spend on food and medical supplies to save that country’s long-suffering millions, IWPR are reporting that several million US dollars are being budgeted for the Zanu-PF conference to be held in Bindura from December 10 to 13.

Are you shitting me?

Why are South Africa, SADC, the UN and the aid agencies required to scramble funds for Zimbabweans who are starving to death and exporting deadly diseases to the region while Mugabe and his henchmen have enough money to waste millions of US dollars on a meaningless conference?

The only political issues of any importance to the Zanu-PF should be; firstly when Mugabe plans to stand down and secondly, how soon they can take up their position as the opposition party?

They can arrange that by means of phone calls.

Is the South African government seriously going to make us pay for this aid while the people who caused all this misery attend a “feast” to celebrate the most disgusting party in Africa’s political history?

Surely, If we are sending assessors to save their citizens, then part of their briefing must be to ascertain how much money Zanu-PF has and how fast they can dispose of Zimbabwe’s military hardware and other unnecessary items to fund the necessities of that country.

We can then assist in making up the shortfall.

Can the Zanu-PF really be this callous and can the SADC really be stupid enough to allow this conference to take place at this time when every cent is vital to saving the people of that country?

On second thoughts don’t bother answering.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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