Remember when I said that finding cool new websites was like tapping into a vein of gold?

I seem to have hit the jackpot!

Check these out, and tell me you don’t feel inspired. I won’t believe you.

  • Freshly Found ( is a blog full to bursting with creative ideas and beautiful things, some homemade, some found from other designers. Denise Kiggan says she loves “repurposing vintage or found goods — giving them a fresh new and sometimes unexpected life!” I love it.
  • Ninainvorm ( is a Dutch blog of “mooiedingen” (which I’m pretty sure translates to “nice things”). While the blog itself is very special, I’m particularly taken with her amazing picture board (running along the left-hand side of the page). Some of the most interesting pictures I’ve seen in a long time, all with a common thread of quirky beauty.
  • The Small Object ( is adorable! Rubber stamps, miniature artworks, beautiful stationery and a whole range of wooden clothes pegs made into people! How can you resist taking a look?
  • “One is the loveliest colour” ( Okay, so this is diverging a little. It isn’t a blog, it’s an article from New York Magazine. But what an article! Five people who only ever wear one colour. A shoe designer who only wears blue, a fashion designer who won’t wear anything but grey, an industrial designer in pink and white, a fabric designer only in green, and a singer-songwriter who lives in brown. Fascinating!

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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