Just a quickie before I pop back to the Design Indaba.

Here are a few stands that caught my eye yesterday … they stood out for their beauty or innovation, or just because they were downright cool.

  • Tintown (www.tintown.co.za) is Andre Serfontein’s creation of metalworked decorative homeware. Whether “seriously sophisticated or wildly whimsical”, he’s doing things with metal you’ve never seen before … Intricately detailed and in a league of their own, they’re something special (as far as I’m concerned).
  • Mu & Me (www.muandme.net) looks, at first, like it’s for children, but I guarantee you it’s not! It is in fact another world, filled with stories about the characters and their pets (which you can read online), beautiful stationery, books, stickers, bags and T-shirts. Its website is delightfully interactive, and I can’t think of one reason not to fall in love with it.
  • Casamento (www.casamento.co.za) has a motto: “Recycle Renovate Remember”. Its range of beautifully restored and adorned furniture is out of another era, as is its needlework. If you’re looking for something to add character to a room, this is the place to shop.

    And that’s all! My favourites that had websites. A couple of people don’t have them up yet, but will later in the year. I’ll report back then.

    Anyone want to add in their top designers from this year’s indaba?


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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