ANC Youth League deputy secretary general Kenetswe Mosenogi today shattered my utmost fantasy. I have always fantasised about her as an intelligent, beautiful, sexy, articulate, sassy and all round attractive young woman. This was shattered all at once (except maybe beautiful) when I heard her on SAfm this afternoon being interviewed by Tshepiso Makwetla. She still came across as intelligent and articulate but each time she spoke it was only gibberish that came out.

I have come to a sad conclusion that the youth league is quite stupid. Strong words, I know. This is probably the first time I have publicly called anyone stupid. I don’t support name calling of any nature but this bunch cannot be called anything else. They have distinguished themselves as the finest in stupidity, all of them.

To think that future leaders of the ANC will most probably come from this band of stupid talking heads gives me the shudders.

When a person knows that their statement contains contradictions in the mildly intelligent world we live in, they will tried to explain the contradiction away or at least try to position the contradictions within the statement as far apart as possible.

I wanted to scream today when all of these morons from Ronald Lamola to Andile Lungisa to Mosenogi kept saying they subject themselves to the ANC constitution and its processing but Julius Malema was still their leader!

Don’t they understand what they are saying or are they so stupid that they don’t see the contradiction here?

Julius has been expelled according to the ANC constitution after a DC process (whose integrity they affirmed today). If you have an iota of a brain, it then follows that for a person who proudly says they subject themselves to the constitution of the ANC — a voluntary organisation — will accept that Malema has been expelled from the organisation.

Even if they disagree with the expulsion, as a member of the organisation it is binding. If they feel so aggrieved they should be lobbying ANC NEC members to put the matter on the NEC agenda for review. If that fails, they can put it on the national conference in Mangaung in December.

Following those processes doesn’t involve refusing to accept that Malema is expelled. If he indeed is still their leader, why are they seeking a political solution? Why wasn’t he at the NEC meeting this past weekend?

I’m pretty sure they themselves can’t even make sense of their utterances.

These clowns clearly have no grasp of how the ANC juggernaut operates, how it moves and how it can be manipulated.

What we see here is a band of unscrupulous pseudo-leaders who have no clue what leadership is and who would defend Malema to the grave because his perceived political immortality props up their own positions within the youth league and lines (at least for some) their pockets with guaranteed jobs at the NYDA and guaranteed tenders.

This kind of bully politics has no place in the South African society.

The ANC policy conference is coming up soon but we haven’t heard anything from these clowns about such policy proposals to be discussed and lobbied at the conference. Same with the Mangaung conference coming up in December. Malema seems to have surpassed all youth needs in importance.

This is an indictment on both the young people of the ANC who elected these clowns into those positions. It shows how the bar has been lowered to the lowest possible standards on the quality of leadership. People are elected for populist agendas and not on morals, integrity and intellect.

It is also an indictment on the ANC senior leadership that is supposed to mentor and mould these young — leaders. The ANC leadership has failed the youth league in that they didn’t provide leadership when it was needed but rather, over the years, have taken advantage of this vacuum in leadership quality within the league to their own ends.

Quite a lot of opinion makers have pointed out the correct fact that the current ANC leadership effectively and unashamedly used Malema when it suited them and threw the book at him when they no longer needed him. Many argue as if continuing with such wrong would have been more suitable, I beg to differ. It is better that he was stopped so late then not being stopped at all. Not only for the sake of the ANC but mainly for the sake of the country.


Nco Dube

Nco Dube

Despite his full-time duty of being a father to two girls and one boy, Nco Dube spends ample time fulfilling his passion for reading and writing. He is not a journalist but he writes from the heart, from...

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