How has it come to this? Our African National Congress Youth League President Julius Malema reduced to an also-ran in the 2009 World Under-70s Political Sledging Finals. It’s enough to make any self-respecting revolutionary weep.

Having slagged his party off, former president Mbeki, party elders, cabinet ministers, Helen Zille, the Democratic Alliance, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the IFP and many many more, Malema now finds himself in the unenviable position of having to destroy Madiba in order to stand any chance of winning this year’s award.


But it’s easy to see why Malema is trailing so badly when it comes to the matter of column inches; the method by which the winner is adjudicated. Unlike Kim and the boys from Pyongyang he — thank merciful God — does not have access to missiles and nuclear weapons with which to threaten the planet in case they get pissed off and come looking to get rid of him.

Nope, give our Julius credit for the way in which he lashes out at everyone and anyone without so much as a 60mm mortar round to wave at them should things get ugly.

Over the last few days the geniuses in North Korea have called Hillary Clinton everything from a funny woman to a pensioner going shopping. She in turn likened them to unruly children in a playground.

Come back Condi all has been forgiven.

This has occasioned more publishing ink than the Bible and Jeff Archer’s latest novel combined.

Which shows how far the rhetoric has fallen since the days of Churchill and beyond.

Of course Malema is not going to go down without a fight as he showed yesterday in lobbing a political hand grenade at the government and the ANC. He proudly advised us all to “Get real. Nationalisation by the ANC will happen”.

Explain that to the marketplace when you’re seeking investment.

Unfortunately that is not very sexy and may only find its way to the financial papers as countries and corporations shelve their books on South Africa and trot out the volumes on Brazil, India and China.

Compare that to North Korea advising the planet on State Radio yesterday that the US intransigence on Pyongyang could lead to all-out war. This from the geniuses who have nukes on board and seemingly the lack of intelligence to refrain from using them.

Nope I’m afraid Malema is going to need to really roast Madiba or even President Zuma if he wants to make this year’s finals.

You can bet your life he’ll be giving it his best shot.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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