Absa Sign Kaleidoscope1

Although @Absa told me via twitter (a while back) that they would NOT be using art on their new #lumen sign that has added such sarcastically beautiful design to the already littered Joburg skyline, just after an ad for Islamic Banking all those storeys up, yesterday I saw this.

I was a little bit happy you know.

Come on Absa. Lose the branding and be the branding instead. We don’t need logos or over-bright LEDs reminding us to bank with you. It won’t work anyway. That kind of advertising is just death. It gives us nothing to look up to.

We need imagination and you have the infrastructure now. Kaleidoscopes have always captured hearts and minds.


Lesley Perkes

Lesley Perkes

Lesley Perkes writes about the state of imagination, her general loss of respect for politics and big business with too few exceptions, eyesores, aesthetically pleasing moments of bliss. Every now and...

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