I don’t pretend to know anything about politics. In fact, I generally avoid it like the plague, leaving it to those who are passionate about it to comment on the folly of politicians.
But I can’t help wondering what on earth is going on in Thabo Mbeki’s head.

Perhaps someone can explain his point of view here, or tell me the political reasoning behind his Zimbabwe stance. I’ve got to say I’m just confused.

The whole world has watched as Zimbabwe slides into ruin, whispering (and shouting) that it’s all Robert Mugabe’s fault. Now there’s a chance for the country to pull itself out of devastation, and instead of taking a stand and doing all in his power to ensure that the results are fair and that everything is being done to encourage free elections, our president is standing back with his hands up in the air.

I understand that as a political leader he can’t go around getting emotional about issues, and that the by–now–famous picture of him holding hands with Mugabe was probably just a polite gesture, but surely he has advisers telling him when the time is ripe to take a stand?

Surely he’s not operating on his own here?

Surely he’s not blind to Zimbabwean’s troubles?

Could somebody please shed some light on the issue?


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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