While it is currently only a rumour, not an unusual occurence in the life of criminal attorneys, there appears to be an attempt by Robert Mugabe to bring home as many exiles as he can, to settle them on land that he has made available for them, and then utilise their votes for the presidential run-off.

As I say it is only a rumour at this stage but try to bear in mind which organisations criminal attorneys come into contact with almost on a daily basis. Many of the rumours we hear about turn out to be hard fact within a very short space of time.

A quick overview:

We know Zimbabwe has been sending in busses and trains to fetch victims — strange that the people who forced them into exile should now give a damn about their future.

We also know from the SABC that Mugabe has advised the exiles that he has made land available to them — a refreshing change. Up to now only cronies got land while exiles were driven out of the country.

Mad Bob does not bring people home, put them up and then allow them to vote against him — he will take their identity documents and make the necessary cross or only those exiles who promise to vote Bob will be collected.

How he plans to house and feed them should he win, is of course an entirely different matter. Considering most don’t live past 40 it’s probably a short term problem.

Warning signs :

His sudden cancer problem leaves me cold. Why would I worry about an 84 year old despot’s health when he doesn’t give a damn about men, women and children who are dying like flies before they are 40?

If anything it is part of his latest cynical strategy to come across as a sympathetic figure. My sympathy is with the Zimbabweans, not with an 84 year old fat cat who can take a flight to anywhere, anytime and lives better than 99% of the people on this planet while the rest of his countrymen starve.

If he has cancer, he is too sick to rule and should stand down and spare his people the vote.

Don’t be fooled by:

Mugabe’s “acceptance of the result” speech. That does not mean the army have accepted it as their full blown assault on the population shows.

There have to be international observers and peace keepers, particularly near the camps for exiles, if anything approaching a free and fair election is to be held.

What the majority of people in Zimbabwe don’t know is that if they retain Mugabe, thereby losing most of the anticipated foreign aid and investment, then these might well be referred to as the “good old days” in the not too distant future.

When people lived up to the ripe old age of 37.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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