With all the Eskom troubles going on lately, there’s been much talk about how the country is going to the dogs. Figuratively speaking, of course (I hope).

So it was with great relief that I found the SA Rocks website this morning. It’s pretty much a collection of opinions on why South Africa is a wonderful place to live. How refreshing!

So, to show my support, here are a few of my favourite things about living in South Africa:

  • The people. We’re so great. Warm, friendly, funny and full of character.
  • The mix of cultures. Where else in the world could you have a city with Indians, Zulus and ex-British all living in harmony? (I’m a Durban girl at heart!)
  • The food. Abundant tropical fresh fruit in summer, curries, samosas, boerewors rolls, vetkoek, koeksisters, milk tart and traditional Christmas turkey (in midsummer). Oh, and Bar Ones. What a treat!
  • The weather. I only realised how amazing the weather was when I lived overseas. Long summer days, mild winters, warm rain and no snow. Delightful!
  • The sense of possibility. Nowhere else in the world (as far as I’m concerned) is there such a wealth of opportunity, such a willingness to begin new endeavours. Everyone always talks about the South African entrepreneurial spirit, but it’s true! We’re so inventive.
  • The flag. And the (somewhat cheesy, but still endearing) rainbow nation. All that colour. I love it.

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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