Just three today, but they’re all winners, as far as I’m concerned.

This is kind of the continuation of my tapping into the design vein on the internet and seeing what I can find. There is a wealth of extraordinary stuff out there!

So here are three whimsical Friday offerings:

  • Sfgirlbybay (http://sfgirlbybay.blogspot.com/). At first, it seems an unpronounceable name, but it’s actually sf_girl_by_bay — she’s from San Francisco. A series of interviews, photographs and amazing creativity, I was won over by the Vandalised Vintage. Classic!
  • Design for Mankind (http://www.designformankind.blogspot.com/). “Because beauty lies in the details of design. in the pencil shavings, in the blueberry waffles. the vintage dress, framed portrait, old postcard.” A collection of beautiful prints, products, photos and books. Pure inspiration. (Scroll down to the glasses print.)
  • And then there’s Uglydolls (http://www.uglydolls.com/), one of the funnest websites I’ve ever found. You get to follow one of the Uglydolls around Uglytown (all perfectly illustrated) and it goes where you choose: Arcade Robots, Ugly Store, Ugly Boards or Meet All the Uglys. Really quirky, really sweet, intricately thought out.
  • Enjoy!


    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty

    Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine (www.sweetlifemag.co.za) and...

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