There! I said it! Scandalous, isn’t it?

Only, that “read” is past tense. Read. I read it, once, last week. And admittedly, the only reason I bought it was because my novel, Strange Nervous Laughter, was favourably reviewed in it (how’s that for fame? I’m reviewed in You magazine!)

But I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I skimmed past the freaks-of-nature stories (in particular the one about the World’s Smallest Bodybuilder, pictured standing on a normal-sized bodybuilder’s hand) and I don’t have too much interest in the many pages of TV listings, but there was some top-class celebrity gossip in there (and who isn’t interested in the fact that Angelina Jolie is quite possibly pregnant again, with her seventeenth child this year?)

There was also, believe it or not, an article on the Tibet-Chinese issue, and even something on how different personalities work together, and how to work better with colleagues of different temperaments.

Yes, You magazine is usually waiting-room and toilet reading. But you might be surprised how entertaining it is to dip into junk-food magazines now and again. Come on, I dare you. You know you want to.


Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty

Bridget McNulty is a writer, content strategist and creative director. She is the editor of Sweet Life diabetes lifestyle magazine ( and...

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