If it turns out that Springbok coach Peter de Villiers did get involved with a lady in a car park, which is being vehemently denied, then that is his own business, as far as I am concerned. Whatever sanctions need to be applied, if there is any merit in it, must come from his wife and family.

The only issue that concerns us is the performance of the Springboks on and off the field. So far it’s been a mixed bag with a Tri-Nations title that was within our grasp slipping away due to inconsistency. How Pete deals with that is the only game in town, as far as I am concerned.

However, if there is a blackmailer, then that’s a whole new ball game.

If it should prove that someone was trying to blackmail Pete, the party concerned should be banned permanently from anything to do with rugby, including refusal of entry to any of the stadiums.

In addition, criminal charges must be laid against the genius concerned.

There is nothing lower than a blackmailer.

Just one other item I would like to raise with Pete: If you were quoted correctly and you did suggest handing the job back to “the whites”, then that is very wrong. Of all people you should know how hard everyone is working to rid the game of the scourge of racism.

You should firstly never have raised the issue of “whites” and, more importantly, never have given racists the pleasure of undoing the hard work we are all putting in to reduce them to background noise at worst.

You are the Springbok coach and must be judged on your ability in that area alone.

Ignore the morons and focus on the job of keeping us at the top.

I know you can do it.


Michael Trapido

Michael Trapido

Mike Trapido is a criminal attorney and publicist having also worked as an editor and journalist. He was born in Johannesburg and attended HA Jack and Highlands North High Schools. He married Robyn...

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